King David's Palace

Battling Goliath with a Slingshot

Decorating Hebrew Names

Family Education

Finds from the Model Dig

Model Archaeological Excavation
/program designer
I believe that Jewish learning should be fun. By combining formal and informal education I try to give students a taste of a variety of experiences. Using carnival games, for example, students can climb Masada, avoid the frogs in Egypt, help ”the walls come tumblin' down” in Jericho Jenga, or defeat Goliath for themselves.
I developed "Project Noah" to motivate student to raise funds for hurricane relief. Organizations that rescue animals received funds as well! For younger students I developed a family program about their Hebrew names. They learned what their names mean, how their parents chose their names, and created their own colorful Hebrew name plates. To teach how we learn about the past, I created a model excavation so older students could try their hands as archaeologists at a dig in Israel.
I am available to develop single programs to full curricula on a consulting basis.